Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Ifs........

You know what, I've been sick for the past few days and even skipped worked.. I am really getting old, some sort of a minor heart problem... better cut down on porn, don't want to be caught dead, while jacking off, hehehehehehe.

While I was on the bed, I made some "serious" thinking my what ifs....

1. What if the God that we are praying for is the wrong God... Just imagine, we are praying to the wrong deity, the real one must be really pissed off. When you die, you would think you would go the promised place but ended up on the wrong side of the fence just imagine that.

2. What if you wake up one day and you are in a totally different place, just like in the Matrix Film, whoa.. it both cool and cruel, like we are just manipulated by other beings.

3. What if there are really dragons and they are living amongst us, now, It would be like rush hour every minute. dont want to caught in the middle of warring dragons. Perhaps having the transformers amongst us, is much better.

These are perhaps the effects of the medication given to me...

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